The Statistical Interpretation
of Quantum Theory

U. Klein

An elementary introduction to the statistical (ensemble) interpretation of quantum theory 1 .

1 Motivation
2 Uncertainty Relations
 2.1 Preparation and Measurement
 2.2 Uncertainty from ”unsharp observables”
 2.3 Individual and statistical predictions
 2.4 Empirical support
3 Wave-Particle Duality
4 The Classical Limit
 4.1 Two kinds of limit relations between classical theories
 4.2 What is the ’standard limit’ ℏ   →    0 of Schrödinger’s equation ?
 4.3 The significance of the limit ℏ   →    0 for the interpretation of quantum theory
5 Copenhagen Interpretation
 5.1 Completeness requires metaphysics
 5.2 An immediate consequence: The ’measurement problem’
 5.3 Incompatible observables require more metaphysics
 5.4 Even more metaphysics and several meanings of completeness
 5.5 The EPR paper - the collapse of the Copenhagen interpretation
 5.6 EPR, Bell, ”completeness”, and how the collapse became a paradox
6 Statistical Interpretation
 6.1 ’No-go’ for hidden variables is not ’no-go’ for the statistical interpretation
 6.2 Two attacks on the statistical interpretation
 6.3 Wave function of single system by measurement ?
 6.4 A list of publications related to the statistical interpretation
7 Statistical Quantization
8 Summary
9 Conclusion

Copyright © 2012 U. Klein

version 02, 11.12.2012

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